About Us
The Gateway Arch East Chapter of ISMTA was formerly known as the Springfield South Area Group and was chartered in April of 1981. As of October of that year there were 18 members. In July of 1990 the name of the group was changed to Gateway Arch East (GAE).
Over the past 28 years, GAE membership has averaged approximately 30 members, and student participation in ISMTA's Achievement In Music (AIM) Examinations has averaged around 110 students per year.
For current membership and contact information see below:
Member of the Year Recipients
Current Officers & Committees
MTNA Certification
Member of the Year Recipients
One member from each Local Association in the state is recognized annually and presented an award at the ISMTA Convention banquet in the fall. The purpose of this award is to recognize service to the Local Association and ISMTA, dedication to making music either through teaching, performing or both, and devotion to the cause of music in general. The election takes place annually at the May meeting. Please feel free to click on any of the names below to learn more about each member.
2009-2010 Deborah Meier and LeAnn Halvorson
2014-2015 LeAnn Halvorson and Amy Jo Sawyer
2024-2025 No Recipient Chosen
Dr. Joseph Welch
2023-2024 Member of the Year
ISMTA 2023 Teacher of the Year
Current Officers and Committees
Elected Officers 2023 - 2024
Gill Cerbin
Joan Witte
Vice President/Programs
Dr. Joseph Welch
Deborah Meier
Committee and Chairpersons
Gill Cerbin
MTNA Certification
Gill Cerbin
Yearbook Editor
Deborah Meier
AIM Theory Scheduler
LeAnn Halvorson
AIM Performance Scheduler
Joan Witte
AIM Site Coordinator for SWIC
Gill Cerbin
AIM Site Coordinator for SIUE
Dr. Huei Li Chin
Dr. Joseph Welch
Dr. Joseph Welch
Website Editor
Seth Metcalfe
AIM Repertoire Checkers
Deborah Meier, Ruth Stith, Mary Anderson, Dr. Huei Li Chin
AIM Exam Printing, Collating, and Binder Preparation
LeAnn Halvorson
Certification Chair
Gill Cerbin
MTNA Certification
As members of the Music Teacher's National Association (MTNA), GAEMTA members have the opportunity to become a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM). This "Certification" is similar to a professional license to teach music, in that it demonstrates to peers and students that the NCTM has met certain professional standards regarding not just knowledge of music and some performance ability, but also the ability to teach.
Going through the Certification process makes sense for teachers who wish to:
Gain confidence in knowledge of music history, music theory, and in teaching music
Have been teaching for a long time and want to challenge themselves or desire to refresh their knowledge and teaching of music
Live in or may be moving to an area where students and their families look for Certification as a teacher qualification
Need a good reason to justify a lesson fee increase
Have time to complete the process
For further information about the Certification process, please see the MTNA Certification website, or contact Gill Cerbin, the current State Certification Chair.
Contact Gill Cerbin: gillcerbin@yahoo.com